Saturday, May 12, 2007

Give Thanks

Give Thanks
Thanks for the trees, the hills, the clouds
The grass, the valleys, the sun--
Thanks for the world around me.

Thanks for the light, the interests, the people
The for the dark, the rest, the solitude--
Thanks for the day and night.

Thanks for the songs, the words, the dance
The speech, the silence, the quiet--
Thanks for the hush and the clamor.

Thanks for the sights and the sounds and the smells
The tears and the smiles, the places in my heart
Thanks for two homes, Father, I thank You
For giving me a world.


P.L. Frederick said...

Nice! This poem is hopeful, and acknowledges both sides of living.

Hey, would you like to trade linky links? If so, please link to Small & Big and then leave a comment on any of my postings. I'll do the same.

P.L. Frederick (SMALL & big)

Anonymous said...

I am sorry I didn't catch your comment for weeks--due to comment spam I am moderating my comments and being very lax about getting them. Thank you for your kind words. I'll consider the link thing.
--the poet